Halfway to #100happydays

Some of you might remember the little project from my birthday?! To refresh your memory, go check it out #100happydays. The good news? It has reached the halfway mark… whoop, whoop! For someone who has attempted to start a diary probably a hundred times, this is an absolute achievement. I always had the best intentions of laying my brilliant thoughts onto paper, but in all honesty I got distracted and bored before it even commenced. Truth be told people, it’s a damn right miracle that this blog is still alive! I figured out that I like to babble about what is floating in my head and let’s face it, in the digital age typing is just a breeze compared to putting pen to paper. Plus, there was always the whoops-I-made-a-typo-so-I-fixed-it-with-tipp-ex mess.
With this project, things were even more simple. See something that makes you happy, snap a photo and hashtag it! I figured I like to take pictures, so why not try? My promise to you is not to fall in the 71% below… why don’t you take the challenge too?


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The Museum of… ahem #coughs

Yep, this post is definitely x-rated! Since I was on a museum streak while in NY, I couldn’t resist visiting the Museum of Sex. Though this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I found it entertaining and even informative. It’s laid out in a very interesting way and naturally leads you from one exhibition into the next via staircases.

So, are you brave enough? Then do proceed. Although here I would like to send a short shout-out to my mommy: Doeksag, gaan kyk gou of die stoof af is!

are you going to enter?

are you going to enter?

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